Today we visited Farmer Ed Otsuji on his farm out in Hawaii Kai.  I met Ed at the KCC Farmers Market one Saturday morning.  I was first impressed with the side by side tasting of his heirloom green onions and regular green onions.  The heirloom variety is much milder and not hot or bitter.  One of his sons, Jonas, is back in town visiting from Utah, and is preparing to get more involved with the farm.  The variety on this farm is wonderful.  Ed can talk.  We enjoyed listening to his old school philosophy and stories.  Its always grounding to be on a farm. To see the “terroir” first hand is important to understanding what you cook with, why, and how.  Happy cooks make happy food, and happy farmers grow happy produce.  I loved Ed’s spirit and aura.  His produce is wonderful and happy.

Farmer Ed Otsuji with Kathy Kawashige, Leigh Ito, Anicea Campanale, Wade Ueoka, Hongseob Kim, and Mark Shishido.

Farmer Ed says that in thirty years he might figure it out.  Ed is 74.  I wonder if his hair length is the same as it was back in the seventies.  You might not believe it, but back in the seventies my hair was longer than his and slightly orange from all the sun at the beach. But I not 74 yet.  I really enjoyed spending time with Ed today on the farm.