We have been back from China for a little over a week now.  When travelling, I have learned how to document the trips well, with a  lot of photos and notes.  One thing I have found is that I need a to-do list of things that is articulated well enough, so I have a good idea of what it was that was inspiring to me and how it will unfold here, back home.   Some of them are food ideas, some are for business, and some are just for fun.  I took a photo of a black mushroom and wrote a caption under it: "mushrooms are like sponges"----I also took a shot of a condiment bar in a hot pot restaurant, along with the sauces I made for my own hot pot.  This braised short rib dish is a combination of the two pictures and memories.  As usual, there were two other things created that will unfold the next time I am in the kitchen.  I love to travel and visit places I never been before -- truly inspiring.